Our Chapter

The Raleigh Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. has made giant strides on its journey toward reaching the high goals set forth by the sorority’s 22 founders. The chapter has the distinction of being chartered by one of the founders of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Soror Jimmie Bugg Middleton. It was on May 7, 1938, that she established Alpha Zeta Sigma Chapter in Raleigh, North Carolina. She was authorized to establish the chapter by the Grand President, Vivian Osbourne Marsh. At the time, North Carolina was one of the states included in the Eastern Region. Mary J. Nightengale, Eastern Regional Director, sent telegrams to Margaret Bugg, the acting chapter president, approving new candidates for induction.

There were 29 charter members, and of that number 15 were initiated at the time the chapter was established. They were as follows:

Thelma L. Barnes

Thelma. M. Blackburn

Ruth F. Boyer

Jessie L. Dixon

Hazel C. Edwards

Ida C. Fowler

Carrie L. Harrison

Selina Longhorne

Bernetta Lushington

Mary D. McPherson

Julia Young Sessoms

Flora Swayze

Fannie S. Womack

Rosalind Person Wright

Effie Yeargin

Charter members who were already Deltas through membership in undergraduate chapters were: Mattie Atkins; Ethel M. Blanks; Margaret Bugg; Mary Culler; Rosemary Curlely; Louise Graves; Gila Harris; Jessica Holle; Mildred P. Jones; Nellie B. Kyle; Amanda Middleton; Catherine Middleton; E. Louise Murphy and Christine Townes. Margaret Bugg was elected chapter president.

Alpha Zeta Sigma held its first Annual Jabberwock on May 12, 1939. It was held annually using the same format until 1958, when Gladys White, who later became active with the Greensboro Alumnae chapter, suggested the idea of recognizing high school seniors based on testing and talent and not on the amount of money they raised.

In 1956, during the 24th National Convention in Detroit there was an authorized name change for all graduate chapters of Delta and Alpha Zeta Sigma became the Raleigh Alumnae Chapter. The Jabberwock continued to be the main emphasis of the chapter from 1939 until 1974. Each year there was a different theme.

The chapter has been engaged in many activities during the course of its 85 year history. Some of them have been providing a Traveling Library to Franklin County, North Carolina in the 1950s; purchasing a Life Membership in the NAACP; sponsoring the “Candystripers” program at the Carolina School for the Blind; donating books and magazines to local hospitals; making financial contributions to the Method Day Care Center; and implementing a tutorial program at Chavis Heights housing project.

Raleigh Alumnae Chapter is indebted to the Sorors who have served as president since 1938:

  • Margaret M. Bugg
    1938-1942 ΩΩ
  • Christine Toole
    1942-1944 ΩΩ
  • Ethel Lyle
    1944-1946 ΩΩ
  • Rosalie Bryant Hill
    1946-1948 ΩΩ
  • Mabel Wortham
    1948-1950 ΩΩ
  • Elizabeth B. Cofield
    1950-1954 ΩΩ
  • Victoria Moore
    1954-1956 ΩΩ
  • Dr. Wilmoth Carter
    1956-1957 ΩΩ
  • Alberta Levingston
    1958-1959 ΩΩ
  • Martha Davidson
  • Gila S. Harris
    1959-1961 ΩΩ
  • Thelma T. Daley
  • Vivian M. Sansom
    1962-1963 ΩΩ
  • Hazel N. Logan
  • Alice Solomon
    1965-1967 ΩΩ
  • Floreiss A. Turner
    1967-1968 ΩΩ
  • Mable H. Gray
    1969-1970 ΩΩ
  • Lillian B. Abron
    1970-1973 ΩΩ
  • Almena Nunn
    1973-1977 ΩΩ
  • Elaine W. Perry
    1977-1977 ΩΩ
  • Dorothy Goodson
    1977-1979 ΩΩ
  • Genevieve Farmer
  • Lucille H. Webb
  • Alice H. Solomon
    1985-1989 ΩΩ
  • Annette O. Watson
    1989-1993 ΩΩ
  • Patsy Smith Morgan
  • Edna L. Davis
  • Denise F. Robinson
  • Carol A. Gartrell
  • Selene H. Brent
  • Shericca W. Morris
  • Jessica Whitaker
  • Jane Fox Long
  • Angela C. Hatton
  • Lillian M. Davis
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